Rose From The Dead’s Weblog

My ipod might be an e-meter
April 4, 2008, 2:40 pm
Filed under: music, Uncategorized, undead, work | Tags: , ,

It definitely read my mood this morning. On the commute it played a grand selection of greatest hits:

Into the Mystic – Van Morrison
I just love this song, I was belting it in the apt before I left. That continued into the stairwell. I do not like the Van Morrison song Brown Eyed Girl, I’ve heard it played at a wedding where the bride didn’t even have brown eyes, and there are other songs I prefer more than Moondance. This is one of them. It is my favorite Van Morrison song ever.

We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic
Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic

A Better Son/Daughter – Rilo Kiley
I’ve always identified with this song, it reminds me of college and Loopay. I don’t really know if it makes me hate my job more or less. Every time I listen to it I get a little bit sad and a little bit hopeful. Quite an anthem.

But you'll fight and you'll make it through
You'll fake it if you have to
And you'll show up for work with a smile
And you'll be better
You'll be smarter
More grown up and a better daughter or son
And a real good friend

The Mariner’s Revenge Song – The Decemberists
This song reminds me of the July that Ben was living in Allston and I stayed with him for a week or two. I love all of their lyrics, this song Legionnaire’s Lament and Red Right Ankle are my all time favorites. Another darkly themed song for a similarly dingy day. This song live was one of the most fun things I’ve ever experienced at a live performance.

Don't know how I survived
The crew all was chewed alive
I must have slipped between his teeth

But, O! What providence!
What divine intelligence!
That you should survive
As well as me

It gives my heart
Great joy
To see your eyes fill with fear

So lean in close
And I will whisper
The last words you'll hear
Ohh Ohhhhh

Justifiable Fisticuffs – The Street Dogs
This is the only song I couldn’t find on seeqpod, so check out the video tab of the playlist if you want to hear it. Or I think it might come up on the playlist on their website. I love this townie punk band, this song is a big part of why. I mean, c’mon, the name alone should tell you why I like it.

We've passed the point of argument, the tension fills the air
I try to mediate diplomatically, but you don't even care
It's time to put them up and throw them down
Take this squabble round to round
Have a row, time to throw, can't see nothing but red

Talk to Me, Dance with Me – Hot Hot Heat
Ah, Hot Hot Heat, I do love you so. You played at one of my first, if not the first Siren Festival on Coney Island that I ever went to. It was definitely the one where I hung out with Rosalie for a while. This song is just plain fun.

So perfect you paint it... yet so manipulated.
So calm and so patient... yet oh so calculated.
So safe and comforting... this doesn't feel like flirting.
So fun I'm distracted... forgot you keep track of it.
So perfect you paint it... yet so manipulated.
So calm and so patient... yet calculated
So perfect you paint it... yet so manipulated.
So calm and so patient... yet calculated.

The Calendar Girl – Stars
The first thing this song brings to mind is Step. It’s very melodic and a bit eerie, I honestly don’t really know how depressing it’s supposed to be. Seems like there’s supposed to be a silver lining to it though, right?

I dreamed I was dying; as I so often do
And when I awoke I was sure it was true
I ran to the window; threw my head to the sky
And said whoever is up there,please don't let me die
But I can't live forever,I can't always be
One day I'll be sand on a beach by a sea
The pages keep turning, I'll mark off each day with a cross
And I'll laugh about all that we've lost

August – Rilo Kiley
Seriously, I’m not depressed. I just like these songs on rainy days. And I do kind of wish it were August. I miss old Rilo Kiley. New RK is just a biiiit too out there for me.

someday we will meet beyond the stars
and it'll be away from here
someday we'll meet beyond the land that you call miles away
away from here

Dammit – Blink182
I still have the CD that I made for my friends Katie, Mae and Janene when we graduated high school. This song was on it, partially because it was played in the art room a lot and partially cause Janene and I went to their show. Actually I probably saw my first two concerts with Nene, The Monkees and Blink182. We’re an eclectic bunch. Did I mention I hate my job? “Dammit” (the word, not necessarily the song) pretty much sums it up. Though I am being forced to be more of a grown up lately and that’s strange and somewhat unfortunate.

And it's happened once again I'll turn to a friend
Someone that understands
sees through the master plan

But everybody's gone
And I've been here for too long
To face this on my own
Well I guess this is growing up

Bridges, Squares – Ted Leo and the RX
This song aptly came on as I was walking to my wonderful job in Kendall Square. Everything in this song is accurate, especially the weather forecast. I love Ted Leo, I really need to make it to one of his shows again. I really need to make it to any show again.

As i walked to kendall square,
and crossed the river basin there,
the charles was black, the sky was blue,
the view was old, the bridge was new.
and past the flow's constricted mouth,
commercial lines flowed mostly south,
or east across a boundless sea,
where rising soon, the star would be.
the tides are moved by sun and moon.
the spring will last from march to june.
the red line train will pass behind,
as long as bridge joins stream and sky.
and from that point where i did stand,
i wondered at the works of man.
i wondered how this walk began,
til red line train came round again.

Honesty is the best policy
March 20, 2008, 8:08 pm
Filed under: strange pictures, undead | Tags: , ,